
150+ Icon Set & Design System

We were hired by our client to unify the experience of their investor applications into a single platform. Since user experience had not been a significant focus of their efforts, their technology platform had evolved into a large set of overlapping applications that felt disjointed when brought together. In order to unify this experience, my team created a set of 150+ icons that would serve as the face of each application within the platform.


Design Sprint Process

Working with two other designers we followed the typical design sprint process. Meeting weekly with our client, we quickly familiarized ourselves with the large amount of information presented to us. We spent time initially understanding the problem and the requirements, whiteboarding with the client, finding and presenting inspiration, and brainstorming as a team to ensure everyone was on the same page.


Creating the Icons

When it came time to start creating the icons, we took a divide and conquor approach where we each came up with different directions and sketches for the design of the application icons. The client ended up pulling elements from each of our designs, and we turned these decisions into a full set accompanied by a comprehensive design system.

Sketching & Moodboards

We divided up the sketching into three separate directions to explore.


Icon Design System

We created a design system to ensure future design teams can create icons for new applications in the future.


Icons in the Application

In the end, we were able to apply the icons to the application and showcase our work to the client and users.


Project Information

  • Icon Set & Design System
  • Design Consulting
  • 2019-2020
  • 4 Month Client Project

Materials & Methods

  • Consulting
  • Research
  • Sketching
  • Moodboards
  • Design Reviews
  • Sketch
  • Abstract
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • InVision Prototype